Let It Go, Let It Go...
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During our online book club session last week, we discussed chapter four of Van Moody’s book, “The People Factor” which is about the Law of Letting Go . In the chapter, the author talks about letting go of the past, especially circumstances which we may have had no control over so that we can move forward in our lives or even people who take from us more than they are willing to give.
We had a great discussion about how we often let our past define us, sometimes to the point of paralysis or how we may judge ourselves and our situations so much by what has happened or where we are that we never see the good things in the present.
We all know others who are like that or maybe we exhibit those qualities ourselves. We agonize over decisions or mistakes we have made. We feel regret or embarrassment and we cannot get over those feelings. In other instances, we have so much to be thankful for, yet we are held back by our past, dissatisfied by what we do have and we don’t celebrate the positive, focusing instead on the negative or comparing ourselves to others and their accomplishments and successes.
Are you stuck in the past? Have you stopped yourself from doing something great or being in a good relationship because of things that have happened in your life? How have you been able to move forward?
One of our book club members talked about how she has perfected the practice of letting go. We all wanted to know how and she said simply that she reminds herself that we have a finite amount of time here and she does not want to spend energy on things that will not enrich her or make her happy. We all murmured in agreement at the simplicity and brilliance of her logic.
At the end of the chapter, the author asks us if we can define who we are without relying on our past to do so. We all agreed that this was a very difficult task – how can you not look at what has happened to you to define who you are today? Maybe the key is to look at your past as a guide and not as an obstacle to being who you want to be. Just because you didn’t get your driver’s license when you were younger doesn’t mean you can’t get it today. Just because you did not grow up with a lot doesn’t mean you can’t make a comfortable living and do all the things you want to do.
Don’t let the past hold you back!
Our book club sessions are held on Fridays from 7pm-8pm. Click on our book club link to get more information and if you liked what you read above, please share!