The Beauty in a Hair Salon!


A women's hair salon (a good one at least) is like one of those businesses that can withstand the test of time; even a serious recession.  No matter what, women do not play when it comes to their hair!  So, being in the market of caring for a woman's crown; her precious mane; her exterior identity, of sorts, is a very special position and it takes a very special person to do so. 

You, among many others, entrust this 'magic maker' to do everything within their power to beautify you.  However with this quest, often comes loooong waits and required numerous visits.   Despite the occasional feeling of it being like a part time job, there is lots be to said about who you can meet and learn from at a hair salon.  Your fellow beauty seekers hail from all walks/stages of life; whether long in the tooth or wet behind the ears; in roles of senior executives, entrepreneurs, civil servants, job hopefuls, or even clergy.   They all are simultaneously removed from the routine of their own busy lives and are temporarily made available to emerge themselves in a completely different type of socialization. 

Current world affairs, celebrity gossip, or this year's top hair color of choice all lend themselves as starters to bridge lines and open communication to foster meaningful relationships.   Mysteriously, a sisterhood is forged.  While under the hair dryer and passing a box of timbits, I personally have counselled and have been counselled on many real life issues such as career advice, health concerns and relationship struggles.  I have found the opportunity to connect as women in an environment like this is easier because it's judgement free.  Case in point, the fact that the people I am sharing my thoughts with have no connection back to my job, home or personal life, I've felt able to speak freer without fear of reproach or backlash.  It's been enlightening to benefit from the ideas and experiences of others, who have nothing to gain/no personal agendas, who are willing to share openly too and provide honest feedback based on their unique perspectives.  It is like having access to a mini opinion poll or expert panel at my finger tips to discuss the topics of my choice. 

If you haven't taken advantage of the Shades of Influence network of knowledge available to you, I challenge you, to challenge yourself and give it a try.  I am confident you will see the beauty within a hair salon as well.