20 Things You Can Do To Not Take Yourself Too Seriously!
- Complete a BIG puzzle. One of those 400+ piece ones!
- Play with a child. Not just be in the same room but get at their level and actually play.
- Put on something you think is sexy and dance around for your partner (or yourself). Looking silly may be a bonus!
- Reach out to someone that you miss and tell them how you feel. It might seem awkward at first however the feeling of satisfaction afterward will be well worth it.
- Play 'eye spy' with someone as you travel on your way to anywhere.
- Eat cake for breakfast! Not everyday but once in a blue moon can't hurt.
- Buy that outfit you like in your r-e-a-l size vs. "not". Don't wait to enjoy wearing it some day. Make some day today!
- Take a bubble bath. Yes, I know showers are quicker but try it anyway.
- Intentionally walk in the rain. Why? Why not!
- Do something by yourself, like a movie, because you are great company!
- Strike up a quick conversation with a stranger while you wait at the doctor's office or grocery store check-out. You might learn something new or just share a few jokes; either way you are left feeling good.
- Eat your favourite ice cream while going for a walk.
- Do something that makes you feel uncomfortable to stretch yourself. Such as karaoke, a presentation at work or writing a blog (hint..hint).
- Volunteer with a charity organization and give back to your community.
- Have a 'backwards' day with your family by eating dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner.
- Try a little activity that you normally would not do like an art, dance or acting class.
- Plant a herb or vegetable garden and tend to it regularly.
- Change a diaper or scoop some poop.. for a quick dose of humbleness!
- Read a comic book and just enjoy the silly jokes.
- Reading to the bottom of this list is already an example of you not taking yourself too seriously. Well done!
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